filename : Dib16a.pdf entry : inproceedings conference : European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 8-16, 2016 pages : 88--104 year : 2016 month : October title : Shape from Selfies : Human Body Shape Estimation using CCA Regression Forests subtitle : author : Endri Dibra and Cengiz {\"{O}}ztireli and Remo Ziegler and Markus Gross booktitle : Computer Vision - {ECCV} 2016 - 14th European Conference ISSN/ISBN : editor : publisher : Springer : volume : issue : language : english keywords : human shape estimation, CCA, Random Forests, shape from silhouettes abstract : In this work, we revise the problem of human body shape estimation from monocular imagery. Starting from a statistical human shape model that describes a body shape with shape parameters, we describe a novel approach to automatically estimate these parameters from a single input shape silhouette using semi-supervised learning. By utilizing silhouette features that encode local and global properties robust to noise, pose and view changes, and projecting them to lower dimensional spaces obtained through multi-view learning with canonical correlation analysis, we show how regression forests can be used to compute an accurate mapping from the silhouette to the shape parameter space. This results in a very fast, robust and automatic system under mild self-occlusion assumptions. We extensively evaluate our method on thousands of synthetic and real data and compare it to the state-of-art approaches that operate under more restrictive assumptions.