filename : Mar09.pdf entry : inproceedings conference : VMV 2009, Braunschweig, Germany, 16-18 November, 2009 pages : 65--72 year : 2009 month : November title : Shape-Preserving Animation of Deformable Objects subtitle : author : Sebastian Martin, Christoph Huber, Peter Kaufmann, Markus Gross booktitle : Proceedings of VMV 2009 ISSN/ISBN : editor : publisher : : volume : issue : language : english keywords : FEM, Deformations, Physically-Based Simulation, Coordinates abstract : We present a novel approach for animating elastically deformable solids in a shape-preserving manner. Standard approaches to animate this kind of objects are based on classic FEM discretizations of the elasticity theory, combined with embedding techniques to deform highly-detailed object geometries. However, these approaches are usually not able to preserve fine geometric features at sub-element scales, showing visually disturbing deformations. We propose to use Green Coordinates (GC) for the representation of the deformation field to get shapepreservation ‘by construction’ and describe how to discretize the elastic energy using these cage-based coordinates. By linearizing the deformation field we arrive at a simple approach which leads to just a few additional terms compared to classic FEM discretizations.