filename : p_Ota05.pdf entry : article conference : pages : 8-11 year : 2005 month : July/August title : Sensation-Preserving Haptic Rendering subtitle : author : Ming C. Lin and Miguel A. Otaduy booktitle : IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ISSN/ISBN : editor : Lawrence Rosenblum and Michael Macedonia publisher : IEEE Computer Society : volume : 25 issue : 4 language : English keywords : abstract : Humans use tactile and force cues to explore the environment around them and to identify and manipulate objects. Six-degree-of-freedom haptic rendering (6-DoF) can greatly benefit many applications involving dexterous manipulation and complex maneuvering of virtual objects. However, techniques for 6-DoF haptic rendering based on exact collision detection are applicable only to relatively simple contact configurations or low-complexity models. We propose a novel approach for 6-DoF haptic rendering that combines multiresolution representations, hierarchical collision detection algorithms, and perception-based force models. This approach enables stable and responsive 6-DoF haptic rendering of the interaction between polygonal models of high combinatorial complexity.